Sunday 10 April 2016

Have you ever done something completely off the chain?

Something that makes some people roll their eyes & others secretly, or not so secretly, jealous?

Hubby & I are completely unhooking that metaphoric chain.  We are going to run free.   At least for a year.  We are selling pretty much everything we own, moving into a camping trailer.  We plan to live as free as we can, moving to where ever the wind blows us for 12 months.

We're giving our notice on May 1st and starting this new life June 1st.  The tasks ahead of us right now are sorting our stuff, organizing a giant garage sale, buying a trailer to renovate, learning about the boondocking lifestyle, applying for workamping jobs and planning out a route of free campsites we'd like to stay in.  So much to learn and do in an overwhelmingly short time!  Yet, we are giddy with it.  Our conversations are animated as we discuss the possibilities opening up in front of us.   We can't wait to get started!

So I've started this blog with a few purposes in mind:

1.  To chronicle our journey, right from these first few steps.

2.  To connect and share information with like-minded people.

3.  To give me a place to share all my photos of the beautiful places we visit.

In my next blog, I'll be sharing photos and a review of a free campsite at Steveville, Alberta.

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